Friday, December 4, 2015


Drew’s Reminder,

      Align.  I’m sure you’ve heard that word used in multiple situations.  If you look up the word in the merriam-webster dictionary you will see the following definitions:
      - to arrange things so that they form a line or are in proper position
      - to change (something) so that it agrees with or matches something else
      - to join a group that is supporting or opposing something

The topic of this blog is focusing on the middle definition of agreeing with or matching something else.   

     Let me paint a picture to help dive into this topic.  In order to paint that picture I will need to create two fictional characters, John and Mary.  John and Mary are in the same situation in different companies. Both are in a job right now that they don’t like.  They have ambition to do something else, they need to make more money or they simply don’t like their boss.  Their desire is to change their situation and get a new job.  When I finish telling both of their stories I want you to let me know who is aligned with their desires.   
      John goes to work every day and is unhappy.  He gets his job done because he has to but deep down inside he’s just not happy being there.  He does what needs to be done and that’s it.  While he is at work he is constantly thinking about how he wished things would be.  His wishes he had a better job.  He wishes he made more money and is stressed about his current financial situation.  He wishes his boss wasn’t his boss anymore.  Is John aligned since he is wishing for the things he desires?  Hold on to your answer for a minute while I discuss Mary.

      Mary too desires a new job.  She too doesn’t like the situation she is in.  However Mary refuses to be unhappy.  Mary deep down knows that the situation is temporary.  She knows that not only can she do better but she will do better.  Mary has accepted the fact that she has another job; she’s just not in it yet.  Mary goes to work with a great attitude.  She’s not upset, she’s focused.  She gets her job done even if takes going above and beyond at times.  If her boss does something to upset her she acknowledges the dislike and moves on because she knows she won’t be there much longer.  She is grateful that she has her current job because it will help her in the next role.  Is Mary aligned with her desire for a new job?

     Now let’s discuss your answers to the questions.  Is John aligned to his desire for a new job? If your answer is yes then you are incorrect.  John is actually sabotaging his chances of getting a new job.  John is not aligned.  Getting a new job for John would be a great thing for him.  He would be happy in a new job.  He would excel in a new job that he liked.  He would go above and beyond in that job.  In order for him to be aligned he needs to have those same traits now.  He needs to be happy in his current job.  He needs to excel in his current job.  He needs to go above and beyond as necessary in his new job.  If he does all of those things he will be aligned.  Once he’s aligned with his desire he is one step closer to achieving it.  

     However, there may be a case when John does get a new job.  If he wasn’t aligned from the beginning then that new job stands of chance of missing something.  He may get into that new job that makes more money but his boss is worse than the last one.  He may get into that new job and hate the work life balance.  He may get into a new job that just isn’t challenging or fulfilling so he loses his ambition.

     Mary on the other hand is aligned to her desire.  She is sending out the right energy to attract everything that she wants.  She will be that person you know that we all call lucky.  In actuality she wasn’t lucky.  She created her own circumstances.  She attracted exactly what she needed which lead to her achieving her desire.  That recruiter that calls her out of the blue or that job that all of sudden comes open is not a matter of luck.  It’s a matter of being prepared and aligned to her desire.  We have been given a great gift of thought.  That gift allows us to create our own reality.  Our job is to trust that fact and focus on making sure we are aligned with what we want to create.

     I know there isn’t a silver bullet to solve every situation.  If there was we would all be using it.  The one think I do know is that your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings create your actions and your actions create your results.  That is why you need to align your thoughts and feelings to the results you desire.  If you do that you will take the right actions.  You may not see the direct correlation to every action and result.  You are supposed to.  Leave that to the universe, your creator, God or whatever you choose to call the omnipresent spirit of your life.  

      The next time you have a desire ask yourself how do you need to align to achieve that desire.  If you want to run your own business you need to align yourself to act like a business owner.  For example a business owner will spend money to make money.  If you are scared to spend money then you aren’t aligned with being a business owner.  Haven’t you heard the phrase “scared money don’t make money.”  My daughter told me that the other day when I was debating on buying some product to sell.  It showed me that I need to work on being aligned with my own desires.  If you want to be rich you need to align yourself to being rich. 

      If you want to have a spouse then you need to align yourself to having a spouse.  Here’s an example I heard on a podcast I recently listened to.  A life coach had a client that desired to be married.  The life coach told the client to do some interesting things to align the client to being married.  The coach told the client to cook for two when cooking.  Eat one of the meals when finished and eat the other later.  The coach also told the client when going to bed to turn down the sheets on the other side of the bed as if the spouse was joining that evening.  This wasn’t all the advice but it was two of the actions that help the client become aligned with being married.  I’m sure you know the rest of the story.  The client was successful in meeting their spouse and is now happily married.  

   So think of your next desire.  Write it down.  Then write down what it means to be aligned to that desire.  Next, make the changes in your life to align yourself to those desires.  This may sound like too much work or maybe even seem silly to you.  If so, ask yourself what you are doing to help achieve your desires.  Is it enough?  Is it working?  Be honest with yourself.  You have one life to live and you are living it right now.  Why wouldn’t you do everything possible to live it the way you desire? If you don’t you are only hurting yourself and your chances of achieving your desires. We don't want that so go out and get aligned.  Enjoy the journey!

With gratitude,


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