Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Automobile University

Drew’s Reminder,

    Friends, I was listening to a podcast the other day and I heard a term that I wanted to share in this week's reminder.  The term was automobile university.  I heard it listening to the podcast "The Zig Ziglar Show - Motivation & Inspiration to Fuel Your Life and Success".  If you don't know who Zig Ziglar is you've probably seen one of his quotes at some point in your life.  Zig was an American author, salesman and motivational speaker.  He's from Mississippi and if you've heard his speak you can't mistake his strong southern accent.  I like listening to Zig because of his storytelling talent.  Unfortunately he's no longer with us but his motivational talks live on through the vast amount of recordings he made.  On the podcast I was listening too Zig referred to "Automobile University" on several occasions.  The actual talk I was listening too was probably recorded in 1990's. 

     Zig's reference to Automobile University was a suggestion to take the time spent in the car to continue your education.  He made mention of people who learned how to speak several languages by listening to cd's in cars.  Yes, he was partially plugging his own motivational cd's that he was selling at the time but he was also emphasizing that you can learn anything you want during the times you are in the car.  What I especially liked is the fact that he said you could even involve your kids in the learning when they were in the car too.  Well times have changed and they have gotten much better.  The Internet has changed the game.  It's changed the game because it allows digital content to be accessed so much easier.  My car may have a cd player in it but it barely get's used.  Because of today's technology I can access digital content from numerous devices.  The primary device I happen to use is my mobile phone.  It's a great way to put my unlimited data plan to use.  

     I live about 23 miles door to door from my house to work.  In a rural area that might not seem too bad.  However, I live in the metropolitan Atlanta area so those 23 miles take anywhere from 1 hour to 1.5 hours because I drive the same time as millions of others.  During non-peak hours it can be 30 - 40 minutes.  I decided about 3 years ago to start using that time to benefit me versus just letting it be a waste.  Prior to that decision I just used that time to listen to the radio or take the occasional phone call.  Yes those phone calls could have been beneficial but listening to the radio for the most part was not.  I wasn't learning anything.  I wasn't improving my life.  I was just listening to the latest song and the latest commercials.  Yes there were radio personalities on talk shows that discussed some relevant topics but even then I was held subject to their goal of entertaining the listeners.  Entertainment is wonderful but I don't think it was valuable 5 days a week.  When they did have an inspirational topic or a intriguing discussion I always enjoyed it.  It just wasn't frequent enough.  Something was missing and I didn't realize it until I was introduced to podcasts.  That introduction changed my life.  

    I was first introduced to podcasts when I was training for a marathon.  Even though I was in good physical shape and had been working out for years, I knew nothing about training for a marathon.  I went online and found some tips and training regimens.  During those searches I found a podcast by an ultra runner.  An ultra runner is someone who runs more than the standard marathon length of 26.2 miles.  I figured whatever I learned from them would be beneficial since I only needed to run 26.2 miles.  Before this time I'd never listened to someone speak about a topic this long without being in a meeting, watching television or attending an event.  I actually got a lot out of listening to those podcasts.  I learned some techniques.  I got motivated.  Eventually it lead to me successfully running 2 marathons myself.  

       But after the last marathon I didn't have a goal in mind when I searched for podcasts so I just found myself listening to random stuff.  That wasn't very motivating so I went back to just listening to the radio.  Lucky for me I bought the book the Secret which lead me to the fascination of wanting to learn about the Law of Attraction.  What better way to learn than to search for a podcast?  Once I did that I hit the jackpot.  I've been going strong ever since.  I've been a student a full time student of automobile university.  Right now I have a list of 5 podcasts I listen to every week.  Each of the podcast owners has a different number of podcasts they produce each week so it helps me get through 5 days with new learning.  Let me be clear.  There are days when I just want to listen to Pandora or even drive in silence, but 75% of time I'm in "automobile university".  Most of the topics I discuss in this blog come from those podcasts.  So here's the list if you are curious:
      1. Think, Believe and Manifest! by Constance Arnold
      2. The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo
      3. The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes
      4. The Ziglar Show Motivation & Inspiration to Fuel Your Life and Success
      5. Joel Olsteen Podcast

     I've listen to all 300 of Constance's podcasts.  I just started listening to Joel Olsteen. I love the logic of Brooke Castillo and Lewis Howes has some great guests he interviews.  Automobile is having a great impact on my life.  I am learning.  I learn new things every week.  Well actually I might not be learning anything.  I get reminded new things every week.  I call it reminder because I truly believe that everything we need is already within us.  I've always known I had potential.  What I'm getting from automobile is the confirmation that none of us can do it alone.  We all need some support at some point.  My support comes from these podcasts.  They serve as a mentor to me even if I'm not directly meeting with the podcast owners or people being interviewed.  I'm happy they are a part of my life and I know I'm better of because of the content they have decided to share.  The reason I'm telling this story about me is that I want you get the same experience I have it you want it.

      The time you spend in your automobile is a great time to feed your mind and educate yourself. In my case that's a minimum of 10 hours a week.  What if I only listened to music?  What would 10 hours of listening to music do for my life?  Compare that to 10 hours of listening to podcasts, audible books or educational cd's.  What can that do?  Let's say I get and get one nugget of inspiration from all of that content.  That one nugget could do so many things to improve my life.  That nugget could help me be a better man, a better father, a better husband, and a better co-worker.  I can promise you I have gotten many nuggets of inspiration and it has helped me be better in all those areas.  Some of you may think I would have gotten there without it.  Some of you may think that was already me and I just didn't see it.  Whatever you may think, I know the impact that automobile university has had on me and that's why I stay enrolled in it. 

      I get a great experience from attending class all the time.  Sometimes it's motivation, sometimes it's peace or it can also be as simple as an acknowledgment that I'm on the right path.  You may think its boring.  You may think you would rather listen to something to get you hype.  Well what has your hype from listening to music done for you over the last 10 years?  What hype song can you point to that has changed your life?  You may not care.  That's your decision.  Now think of a book you've read that has changed your life over the last ten years?  I'm sure there's one.  If not you can find one. What mentor has changed your life over the last ten years?  I'm sure there's one.  If not you can find one.  The beauty of automobile university is you can actually find that book or that mentor everyday while driving to work.

     Are you satisfied with your life?  Are you looking for a change?  If not then you won't be motivated to attend automobile university.  That is your choice and you are empowered to make it.  For those of you who are looking for change and resources to help you do so, I highly recommend automobile university. If you have a dream or an aspiration that hasn't been met there is another tool you can add to your toolkit to help you along the way.  That tool is automobile university.  If it’s not a car then call it public transportation university.  Call it going for a walk university.  Call it flying on a plane university.  The next time you want to spend an hour listening to the radio ask yourself "have I gotten in all of my university time yet?"

   Consider this your reminder to be proactive and stop waiting on life.  Go out and make a life.  Use automobile university to help you along the way.  There is an education right at your fingertips and all you have to do is turn off the radio to access it.  As always, I wish you the best and enjoy the journey!

With gratitude,

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