Thursday, September 24, 2015

Your job is not your source of income.

Drew’s Reminder,

     Your job is not your source of income.  How is that so?  My job gives me a check every pay period.  How can my job not be my source of income?  That kind of thinking can lead to you not reaching your potential.  If you see your job as your source of income then the only way you will see to gain more income is to devote more to your job.  However, we all know that your job is not devoted to you.  Your job is paying you for a service.  The job is paying you to provide some type of value.  Where does that value come from?  It comes from within.

     Therefore you are your source of income.  Provide the same value year over year and you'll receive the same relative income year over year.  Once you stop providing value then you will no longer receive any income. Once you start providing more value you will receive more income. That is how it works.  But how can you provide more value?  You could get extra training or learn a new skill.  That will most likely give you an increase in the value you provide.  However it will not be substantial.  If you want to provide a substantial amount of increased value you have to work within.

      What do I mean by working within?  You have to work on your thoughts and your beliefs.  Those are the things that will drive you to take action that will result in the delivery of more value.  There's no other way around it.  Many of you have either figured it out or seen it in action on your job or in the marketplace.  In Corporate America the people that provide the most value and get the most income are the ones who have the traits necessary to get things done.  They have confidence.  They have persistence.  They believe.  They do not worry about how something will get done.  They know it will if we put our minds to it.  They have vision.  They communicate that vision freely and openly.  They challenge when they believe something needs to be challenged.  They have no fear of failure because they understand failure is part of life.  They focus on learning from each failure so that they will be better for the next opportunity.  They know that there will be a next opportunity because this is a world of abundance and they are determined to get their share of it.  They do not wait for the next opportunity either.  They actively search for it.  They know the only time we have is right now and we must take advantage of it.  These are all great traits.

       There are some of us who exude this traits and some of us that don't.  The truth is we all can if we put in the right work and take the right actions.  Too many of us shut off work once we leave the job.  We look at doing something outside of the job as extra work and who wants to do extra work?  However, if we knew what that so called extra work could do for our lives we would all do it and do it happily.  What is this extra work that I'm referring to anyway?  I'll give you a list and tell you the benefits.

Meditating - Meditation is a practice that increases your awareness.  Awareness is the key to living life.  When you are fully aware you not only enjoy life to its fullest extent you are also fully in the moment at all times. The power of awareness allows you to minimize stress and handle anything that comes your way.

Practicing Gratitude - Practicing gratitude has an endless amount of benefits.  At its basic core it is a tool to put our emotions in a positive space.  Emotions are key to the actions we take day in and day out.  Our thoughts and beliefs will drive our emotions and our emotions will drive our actions.  Need proof?  Take any situation and compare what actions a happy person would take versus a mad person.  The beauty of it all is you are in total control.

Journaling - Journaling is a great tool to capture your thoughts and feelings.  It can be used to practice gratitude, set and define goals, visualize, help clarify your desires and harness creativity.  There is power in writing things down.  It helps connect your conscious mind with your subconscious mind.  You will have to get into your subconscious to truly defeat any limiting beliefs you may have.

Visualization - Visualization is a mental tool that is in use everyday however many of us aren't aware that we aren't utilizing it effectively.  When you have doubt or fear about something you will visualize that something going bad.  You end up attracting that result even though it wasn't the result you truly wanted.  When you have confidence in something you visualize that something happening and you end up attracting the result that you wanted.  Visualization is intentionally attracting what you want by focusing your mind on exactly what you want and how you want it.  It intensifies the attraction which improves your chances of success.  Anyone who practices the technique can tell you stories of how it has worked for them over their life.  I'm sure you've heard of a vision board.

     In my opinion these are most basic examples of work that needs to be done by you in order to improve your value.  Once you improve your value the income will follow and it will follow much quicker than just doing what the job wants you to do.  You have to have intangibles that set you apart from the standard worker bee.  These tools build those intangibles.  Do not fear that adding this work to your life will make you even more tired and stressed.  I promise you it will do the opposite.  You will be more energized and less stressed which leads to more value.

     Your income is based on the value you provide.  Increasing value equals increasing income. Build more value in yourself.  Skip an hour of TV every night this week and work on one or all of these tools.  You will not be disappointed.  You will be rewarded.  Enjoy the journey!

With gratitude,


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