Monday, October 31, 2016

I am a king

“I am, indeed, a king, because I know how to rule myself.”
                     Pietro Aretino

     There are many people who feel it is taboo to call yourself a king unless you rule over a defined land and people.  However, the definition of a king1 is – the male ruler of an independent state, especially one who inherits the position by right of birth.  Based on this definition I believe we are all kings.  It is therefore important to be reminded of that fact to ensure we rule accordingly. 

            You were given life at birth.  Your parents were there to nurture and help you grow.  They did those things with the clear distinction that you would take over your life at some point.  Your parents passed on beliefs and helped educate you but at the point you took over there was nothing left they could do.  At some point you took over your own life because it was your birthright.

      The state that we rule over is our own life.  Our beliefs, thoughts, feelings, actions and results are all part of our own state2.  We own them.  We have full rule over them.  Your beliefs may have been handed down to you from your parents but you own them.  You have the ability to change them.  You have the ability to create new ones.  Unfortunately many of us don’t take the time to fully understand our beliefs.  The beliefs are there but we compartmentalized them to a point where they become buried or even forgotten.

     It is important to take command of your beliefs because your thoughts are determined by those beliefs.  Everything that you are thinking can be tied to a belief that you have inside of you.  Sometimes you clearly know that belief and sometimes it is so deep within you that you need help to confirm what it is.  Regardless if the belief is known or unknown, when you have certain beliefs you will think in certain ways.  Everything that is happening in your life is impacted by your thoughts.

     Your life is impacted by your thoughts because those thoughts will determine your feelings.  Feelings are important because of the energy they bring to your life.  Some feelings are positive in nature and therefore bring positive energy.  Some feelings are negative and bring negative energy.  Some feelings are neutral and bring a calm peaceful energy.  Make no mistake feelings are fuel for your everyday life because of the energy they bring.

   Every day you will take action.  From the time you wake until the time you go to sleep.  The type of action you take will be greatly impacted by your feelings.   Take any example of an action you will take and think about how it would be impacted by you being happy, mad, or serene.  We all do things when we are mad that we would not do if we were happy.  We all have seen a calm person act very different than someone extremely happy or sad.

      The culmination of all your actions will determine the results that you have in life.  Sometimes you may think that a certain action caused a certain result.  However, typically you are just seeing the last action before the result.  Many actions you have taken have actually led to that result.  Some of them are direct and many are indirect.  Yet they all are important.  Since they all are important you must rule over every action you take to make sure you get the results that you desire in life.

       We are all kings.  We have a state known as our own life that we rule.  We were given that state at birth.  It is ours and the decisions we make will determine the success of that state.  The key aspects we need to follow when ruling over our life are  to understand our beliefs because they will drive our thoughts, to monitor our thoughts because they will drive our feelings, to understand our feelings will impact our actions and to know that every action we take will determine our results.  With that knowledge you now have the winning formula on how to rule over your life.  Now go forth and be the king your life deserves.

Have a great week,

1 The word king can be replaced with queen.  This is non gender specific.  We are all kings and queens.
2Formula based on the teachings of Life Coach Brooks Castillo
Bonus: lapel pin in photo available @ 

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Dwell on the beauty of life.

"Dwell on the beauty of life.  Watch the stars, and see yourself running with them."

                                                   Marcus Aurelius   
   This week’s quote is your reminder to pause and take in the beauty of life.  In this fast paced environment it is easy to get lost in the mix of constant activity.  When we are lost we often miss out on what is right in front of us.  There is a beautiful life in front of you and I would hate for you not to take the time to see it.  Take a minute to see your beautiful life and all the possibilities within it.
     Beauty is in the eye of the beholder and you are the beholder.  You can see that beauty anytime you wish, all you have to do is pause and take it in.  It’s wonderful to have this ability. It’s a shame not to use it. All it takes is a determined effort to do so. You are determined to do well in so many areas of your life.  Make sure you are determined to see the beauty of life as well. 
    There are many great ways to dwell on the beauty of life. You could simply take a walk at lunch today.  While you are on that walk take notice of everything around you. Look at the trees and the beauty of nature.  Think about how that tree survives year after year.  Think about the value that tree brings to you by supply oxygen for you to breathe. Think about the habitat that tree provides for so many animals and insects.  Think about the fact that the tree loses all of it's leaves in the fall only to return in full vibrance in the spring. That tree is beautiful and all you have to do is think and you will see it all.  
     While on your walk look at all the different people you encounter along the way. Greet each one of them with a smile.  That smile will give that person joy.  That joy may take them from being upset to being happy, even if just for that moment.  The receipt of that joy may increase their joy and cause them to smile at the next person they encounter.  This will spread the joy to many others.  Sharing is such a beautiful experience that is available to you anytime you decide to use it.
    While on your walk stop and just take a moment to practice the technique of visualization.  Just stand still and think of something you desire, something you love or something you are grateful for at that moment.  See yourself doing, being or interacting with that something.  Visualize the beauty of that something as if it is right in front of you.  Think in every detail possible.  Think about how you feel in that moment.  Think about all five senses you would have at that moment (taste, feel, see, touch & hear). That vision will be beautiful.  For that moment the beauty of life will be right in front of you.  You will be engulfed in it.  You will be happy for it.
    By taking one of the actions above you will force yourself to take in the beauty of life.  If you follow the visualization technique you will transform yourself into that beauty as if it is happening right in front of you.  The real beauty of life is that it is actually happening right in front of you.  Don’t make the mistake of missing out on that.  Take the time now to pause and take in the beauty of life.  Every day that you decide to will have a wonderful impact on your life.
As always I encourage you to enjoy the journey.
Have a great week!

Sunday, October 16, 2016

Live to be Reborn

“The world is new to us every morning – and every man should believe he is reborn each day.”
                                                   Baal Shem Tov

     The world is new to us every morning.  When you wake up tomorrow morning you will be given the gift of another day.  Every man should believe he is reborn each day.  If you believe you are reborn each day you will think in your natural state of mind.  You will think happy, peaceful, abundant and loving thoughts.  Yes, then the world around you will start its daily assault on that state of mind.  However, since you’ve decided to be reborn you will be better equipped to handle it like the champion you are. 

      As human beings we’ve all been given a gift.  That gift is our ability to think.  We get to choose how we feel based on what we think.  It’s that simple.  If you choose you want to be happy; you can. You just have to think happy thoughts.   If you decide you want to be at peace; you can.  You just have to think peaceful thoughts.  If you decide that you want to worry; you can.  You just have to think from a worried state of mind.  If you decide you want to continue to be sad; you can.  You just have to continue to think sad thoughts.  It is your choice.
    Choosing to believe you are reborn means you are no longer carrying any baggage with you.  You are starting with a clean slate. That clean slate allows you to start the day in my natural state of mind.  Your natural state of mind is one of happiness, peace, abundance and love.  That is how we were all born.  Worry, pain, lack, sadness and all other negative feelings arise from our dealings with the world we encounter.  We allow outside circumstances and experiences change us from our natural state of mind.  That is why we should make the effort every day to believe we have been reborn no matter what circumstances you may or may not be facing.

    If you’ve had an epic birthday party I want you to look back into the past and remember that day.   Do you remember how excited you were when you woke up that day?  You were excited about all the friends that would show up and give you love.  You woke up ready to take on the world because it was your day.   Then you had your party and it was epic.  You still remember the surprise gift that you were given and still have to this day.  You still appreciated that day.  You didn’t have a care in the world at that point in time.  For that important day you forgot about all of your worries.

    Now bring your mind back to this morning.  Do you remember how you felt when you woke up this morning?  Did you have to hit snooze because you really didn’t want to get up?  Was your first thought on how much stuff you needed to get done today and you had no idea how you would get it done?  Did your mind immediately go to that thought about the troubles you have in life, no matter how big or small?  Unfortunately that was the morning for too many of us.  Some people like to call it real life.  I call it BS.  I call it BS because whatever thought you had this morning you had the choice of thinking it.   Choose carefully and choose to be reborn.

      In order to choose to be reborn each day you are going to have to create a habit or routine to ensure it happens.  Everybody is different so I’m not going to prescribe what will definitely work for you.  However, here are some things you can try:

  • Put the word reborn on your nightstand. (Wooden block letters from your local hobby store work great).
  • Create your own affirmation and write it on a small piece of paper. Put that paper in your wallet and read it every day. “Today I am reborn.”
  • If you are into tattoos get reborn tatted on your chest, wrist or shoulder.
  • Purchase the Reborn pin (pictured above) website (

If you have a unique way you remind yourself of something important daily share them in the comments. Maybe someone can benefit from your techniques.

   When you wake up tomorrow morning you will be given the gift of a new day.  You are also given the great luxury of how you approach that new day.  You can choose to let life’s circumstance and history bring you down or you can choose to be reborn.   When you make that choice you start the day with a clean slate. You can then choose to be happy, peaceful, excited and abundant. Choosing to be reborn will help you have a brighter and better day. We all could use a little help.  Help yourself and choose to be reborn.

As always I ask you to enjoy the journey,


Monday, October 3, 2016

Who are you destined to become?

“The only person you are destined to become is the person you decide to be.”
                      Ralph Waldo Emerson

     Decisions, decision, decisions.  We make them every day.  One of those decisions is determining the person you are destined to be.  The older you are the closer you are to that destiny.   Unfortunately, too many of us make that decision without a lot of conscious thinking and we end up somewhere we don’t truly desire to be.  Make no mistake you have full responsibility for your destiny.  The only person you are destined to become is the person you decided to be. 
     If you don’t put a lot of thought into who you want to become you will default to something.  You may default to what your parents thought you should be.  You may default to what the media thinks you should be.  You may default to a generalization of what the people around you have become.  You may default to what the people around you think you should be.  

       Inherently none of these decisions are automatically bad.  However, they have the potential to be.  The only way to remove that potential is to take control.  You have a responsibility to always be in control.  You must change that default decision into a conscious decision.  Whatever you decide you will accomplish.

       If you decide you want to be a great employee who is sought out by employers for your great work, you will be.  If you decide you want to be a great parent who prepares their children for greatness in their lives, you will be.  If you decide that you want to be a leader who people gravitate to for guidance and leadership, you will be. If you decide you want to be a free willing spirit that isn’t tied down by society, you will be.  If you decide that will be valued by many and compensated accordingly, you will be.  The list goes on and on.

       The key action you need to take is to simply decide.  If you’ve already decided I commend you.  Job well done.  There’s nothing like being in control of your life.  It’s really the only thing we can control.  It would be a shame not to take full advantage of that fact.  If who you are today is not the person you want to become, decide today that you will become that person.  That is when the magic will happen.

       Once you decide I also recommend you write down your decision.  Put it in a journal.  Write it on a 3 x 5 card and keep it in your wallet.  You can also tell someone about your decision. You don’t need to tell the world your decision but you should tell someone you know will support you of your decision. Tell your spouse.  Tell your mentor.  Tell your mastermind group.  Tell your pastor.  This cannot be a fly by the night decision.  It needs to be something that you truly believe.  Taking the actions above will help your subconscious know you are serious about your decision.  That will help you in the tough times that are sure to come on your journey to that destiny.

      We only have one life to live and we own it.  One of the most important decisions you make in life is deciding who you want to be.  That decision is important because we will only become who we decide to become.  Whether that decision is subconscious or deliberate it is one you are making every day.  Take the time to figure out what you’ve decided and if you don’t like the answer change the decision.  It is the only way you will get the destiny you truly desire.  As always, enjoy the journey.

Have a great week!

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