Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Can you stand the rain?

Drew’s Reminder,

Can you stand the rain?  
      I was listening to my device this weekend and this beautiful song by New Edition started to play. The song itself is about a man questioning whether a woman can truly be with  him in both good times and bad times.  It’s a love song.  Yet it made me think of life in general.  

      If you don’t know the song here are some excerpts from it.  “Sunny days, everybody loves them”. When it comes to life that is true.  We all love the good times.  That’s what we are here for so of course we love the good times.  “Storms will come, this we know for sure”. When it comes to life this is also true.  Storms will come and I’m sure they have come in your life.  Some of you may even be in a storm right now.  

      The question is “Can you stand the rain?”  The overwhelming answer is yes.  Yes, you can stand the rain.  You are equipped to handle everything that life throws at you.  The reality is life will throw things at you.  There will be storms.  Just don’t let those storms deter you. You can and will stand the rain.  If you are in debt now more than you’d like to be, you will get out of it.  If you have lost your job and are unemployed, you will get back on your feet.  If you have not successfully found the love of your life, you will be with them soon.
      How can I say that and I don’t even know you?  It’s because I know, just as you do, that you can stand the rain.  Think back in your past of the storms of your life.  You survived them.  They have passed.  The sun came out and the day was beautiful.  Hopefully the day is beautiful right now.  You have gotten through many storms.  Wear the badge of confidence that you can stand the rain.  It will make the storms pass so much easier.
With gratitude,


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